Le Merville - Lorient Centre


Le Merville - Lorient Centre
Perrine Tardif

Cookie policy and data privacy

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In order to function properly, our website stores user data on various computer media. In particular, our website uses cookies from google.com in order to carry out statistics of visits and text translations. Our website also uses cookies from stripe.com to ensure payment security.

Our website retains the name, email address and telephone number provided by user when booking. None of this information is passed on to third parties for advertising purposes.

The website does not store the bank details provided by the user at the time of booking. This data is only stored by the Stripe payment gateway, which ensures the highest level of security for bank details.

Cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our website. If the user does not agree with their use or if their internet browser blocks their use, then we ask user to stop using our website. At the request of the user, we can delete all his personal data from our various computer media.

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